Break with a Pro
9 and 10 a.m. Friday, April 25
Break with a Pro is a career exploration event that offers tailored, small-group discussion sessions with journalism professionals in traditional and specialized areas. Media professionals share information about their work and backgrounds, providing students with an excellent opportunity to meet people working in a career field they are interested in. Advance online registration is required and available on a first come, first served basis through April 4. Cost is $10 per student.

The convention offers two 45-minute Break with a Pro sessions on Friday. The first session starts at 9 a.m. and the second starts at 10 a.m. Registered attendees will be assigned a time slot based on availability, advisers should check their welcome packets for details. Students attending should develop questions on career-preparation requirements, nature of work, salary-level expectations, job availability and how to handle issues as a student journalist.
Break with a Pro session categories
Broadcast sports
Communications and marketing
Copy editing
Design and art direction
Feature writing
Music, arts and culture reporting
News writing
Opinion writing
Social media
Sports writing
TV news